Publication of scientific articles in journals "Global Scientific Potential" and "Science and Business: Ways of Development"

Publication of scientific articles is one of the key steps in preparing to defend a doctoral or PhD thesis. Journals Global Scientific Potential and Science and Business: Ways of Development specialize in publishing scientific articles necessary for the successful defense of theses of graduate students in:

  1. Earth Sciences
  2. Biology
  3. Biotechnology and Medicine
  4. Pedagogy and Psychology
  5. Vocational Education
  6. Architecture and Construction
  7. History, Philosophy, Sociology
  8. Philology
  9. Mechanical Engineering
  10. Mathematical Methods and Models
  11. Chemical Technologies
  12. Chemical and Food Technologies
  13. Engineering and Agricultural Technologies
  14. Electronics, Measuring Equipment, Radio and Telecommunications
  15. Information technology
  16. Quality Management
  17. Ecology and Nature
  18. Economics
  19. Jurisprudence
  20. Legal Regulation
  21. Political Science

The journals included in the list of VAK (Higher Attestation Commission, have the right to publish scientific articles of doctoral and postgraduate students, necessary for the defense of dissertations, including a tight schedule.

The founder of scientific periodicals is NGO "Foundation for the development of science and culture". The journals are subscribed editions and are included in the nationwide directory OAO "Rospechat", are distributed by subscription in Russia, CIS countries and abroad. The journals have 12 issues per year (including special editions). They are sent to the leading libraries of Russia.и.

The system of the Russian Science Citation Index regularly receives information on published scientific articles in the VAK journals.

Benefits of publishing articles in our journal:

  • Journals are included in the VAK list;
  • Significant experience of working with graduate students;
  • controlled deadlines;
  • possibility of rapid publication;
  • no intermediaries;
  • optimal prices.

The electronic versions of papers with abstracts and key words in Russian and English languages, the information about the authors, as well as full-text versions of publications are available on the website.

Новые выпуски на сайте:

«Наука и бизнес: пути разития»
№7(157) 2024

«Глобальный научный потенциал»
№8(161) 2024