Editorial Board

Voronkova Olga Vasilyevna — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Editor-in-chief, Chair of the Editorial Board, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Tel.: 7 (981) 972 09 93;

E-mail: voronkova@tambov-konfcentr.ru

Skvortsov Nikolay Genrikhovich — Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector of St. Petersburg State University.

Tel.: 8З812)324-12-58;

E-mail: n.skvortsov@spbu.ru

Tyutyunnik Vyacheslav Mikhailovich — Doctor of Technical Sciences,PhD in Chemistry, professor, Academy of Natural Sciences; Director of Tambov branch of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, President of the International Information Nobel Center.

Tel.: 8(4752)50-46-00;

E-mail: mail: vmt@tmb.ru

Omar Laruk — PhD, Associate Professor of the National School of Computer Science and Libraries University of Lyon.

Tel.: 8(912)789-00-32;

E-mail: omar.larouk@enssib.fr

Kuznetsov Yury Viktorovich — Doctor of Economics, professor, head of management and planning of social and economic processes of the St. Petersburg State University, Honored Worker of Higher School of Russia, Honorary President of the National Academy of Tourism.

Tel.: 8(812)273-75-27;

E-mail: tour@econ.pu.ru

Malinina Tatiana Borisovna — Doctor of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Social Analysis and Mathematical Methods in Sociology, St. Petersburg State University.

Tel.: 8(921)937-58-91;

E-mail: tatiana_malinina@mail.ru

Lyashenko Tatyana Vasilevna — doctor of pedagogical sciences, dean of information technologies and media of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts.

Tel.: 8(812)952-57-81, 8(812)312-10-78

E-mail: center@spbguki.ru, decanat@fitim.ru

Birzhenyuk Grigory Mikhailovich — Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, Head of the socio-cultural technologies St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions.

Tel.: 8(812)740-38-42;

E-mail: set47@mail.ru

Serykh Anna Borisovna — Doctor of Education, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of Special psycho-pedagogical disciplines Baltic Federal University of Immanuel Kant.

Tel.: 8(911)451-10-91;

E-mail: serykh@baltnet.ru

Chamsutdinov Nabi Ummatovich — Doctor of Science, Professor of the Department of faculty therapy Dagestan State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of the Russian CP, corresponding member of RANS, Deputy Yes gestanskogo branch of the Russian Respiratory Society.

Tel.: 8(960)409-46-61;

E-mail: nauchdoc@rambler.ru

Osipenko Sergey Tihonovich — PhD, a member of the Chamber of Advocates, an assistant professor of civil and business law at the Russian State Institute of Intellectual Property.

Tel.: (495)642-30-09, 8(903)557-04-92;

E-mail: a.setios@setios.ru

Petrenko Sergey Vladimirovich — doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of department "Mathematical Methods in Economics" Lipetsk State Pedagogical University.

Tel.: 8(4742)32-84-36, 8(4742)22-19-83;

E-mail: viola@lipetsk.ru viola349650@yandex.ru

Chukin Vladimir Vladimirovich — Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Experimental physics of the atmosphere," Russian State Hydrometeorological University.

Tel.: 8(911)226-74-42;

E-mail: chukin@rshu.ru

Wu Songjie — PhD in Economics, Professor of Shandong Normal University.

Tel.: +86(130)21696101;

E-mail: qdwucong@hotmail.com

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